Friday, August 28, 2009

From the Slums of Brazil to Mozambique,Africa!!!

Hardly a day goes by when I don’t think about the slums of Brazil. The slums are places for pain, suffering to millions of people living in shacks and violence and every time I go to visit my family like two weeks ago or maybe when we go up to the biggest and most dangerous slums in Brazil to teach English to impoverished children. People living in such conditions long to leave and have a better future.

This is life in the slum—a life of those remembered by few, and forgotten by most… A life which they seek to escape, because to lead a hand-to-mouth existence is so painful. For most, their only option is to collect what cardboard, plastics and metals they can, to sell to recycling plants in the hope that the next day will bring a transaction through which they may escape their cycle of poverty.

I don’t know if you can imagine how hard it would be to get out of the slums for something better but I want to encourage all of you guys that have invested in my life and ministry. I would like to share with you about my sister. She has been in Mozambique now almost a month and she’s loving it. She’s serving as a full time missionary in an organization called “Dream Project” and you can learn more about her work at

Please know your prayers and support helped my sister to fulfill God’s dream for her life. She is a full time missionary now and she is out of the country. Only God!!! She grew up in a big slum in Brazil and saw and experienced abuse by her own father but God restored her and today she is reaching and loving so many people for Jesus. I want to thank personally all the people that made it possible for my sister financially to go to Mozambique and I know God will use her there in a mighty way and you will be a part of it because you invested in my sister’s calling.

See, God can take a nobody and transform this person into a somebody’s in the Kingdom. My sister was rejected and forgotten by the society and the Churches of Brazil but God saw her and he fell in love with her and he couldn’t take his eyes off her until he could have her full heart and my sister gave her full heart to the Lord and she has never been the same and never will and many people are going to learn and understand the love of God through her life in Mozambique and around the world. I am so proud of my sister and I am so thankful to God for this opportunity that he have to my sister Luciana Pereira de Souza. God is so faithful and good!!!