Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An E-mail Written by My Editor

Hi Everyone

This is an e-mail that was sent by a great friend of mine in the U.S.A and I just wanted to share with you all that you can do the same. Please tell all of your friends, family and church about my book. I know for sure this book will inspire and challenge you to fight for the millions of kids suffering in the big cities of our world. And of course please pre-order your own book now!!!

"Many of you are familiar with some of the young Brazilians my husband and I have been privileged to work with over the past few years. I am so excited to announce that Sidney, one who we have bragged about on many occasions (and many of you have also met) is nearing the final process of *publishing his life story!* God has blessed us to be a part of this project and we can hardly wait to see the finished result! For those of you who don't know, Sidney was born in the slums of Brazil,and at only 6 years old, he was forced to work in the streets to support his very large and very poor family. After fleeing an abusive alcoholic father at the age of 7, Sidney spent the next three years on the streets of the third largest city in Brazil - Belo Horizonte. Miraculously, by the age of 14, Sidney accepted Christ and began serving God faithfully. He has since traveled the world to preach the gospel, from the suburbs of the USA to the slums of Africa, South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. His mission is to love the forgotten, lost, despised, unloved and unreached. While most Americans were exchanging gifts and enjoying Christmas festivities last December, Sidney was overjoyed to spend his Christmas in Darfur, Sudan.

Sidney's amazing story has inspired thousands of street children across the globe, and no doubt the release of his book will empower him to reach millions more. His heart burns for street children, and with the growing epidemic of kids who are forced to live and work in the toughest environments, this book couldn't come at a more urgent time. I invite you to *visit his new website and pre-order a copy of his book!* Scheduled for release in October of 2009 at $19.99 + shipping, if you reserve your copy now you will only pay $14.99 + shipping *and receive your copy a month before the official release* *date!*

Also at the site you can watch clips from the documentary my husband and I produced that chronicles some of Sidney's powerful testimony, see footage from a few of Sidney's mission trips and have the opportunity to donate to his ministry".


God bless you and thank you for your support!

Taryn & Damon Smith
Inspiring Minds Publications