Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Forgotten Chldren!!! Who Will Help?

Children are the future of every society. Many children in Uganda and Sudan have been deprived, robbed, neglected of a beautiful future in God. There are so many that are living on the streets, bearing the chilling cold or dangers of the streets, feelings the pangs of hunger, and living like unwanted children in their society since some of them have lost their homes, parents and any other thing that would give them a sense of belonging.

For decades now Uganda and Sudan have been one of the most dangerous places in the world for children to live. Children there have not known love but cruelty. Many children bear the scars of war, they have suffered silently the atrocities of war especially in Darfur-Sudan right now. But Jesus Christ has clearly stated in the Bible that he loves the little ones and in his heart there is a special place for children.

I love children and I am so excited that I am going to be spending my Christmas and New’s Eve with so many children in Africa. I am leaving to Uganda and Sudan on the 17th of December and I am believing God for a miracle. I already bought my tickets but I still need close to 800 Dollars for medical evacuation, visa fees, food, ministry fees, housing, etc. I have prayed so much, I have shared my needs with so many but many people all over, I have preached in many churches here in Brazil and they have helped me but most churches in Brazil are not missionary oriented because most of them have the mentality of “We don’t have a lot of money” and “If we help we won’t have enough money on the end of the month to pay or accomplish all the things we as the “Church” wants to do”. So Now I know I am leaving in 20 days to Africa and I felt the need to ask for all of you guys to pray and I know many of you are prayer warriors in the Kingdom of God.

Thank you very for all of you that have partnered with me already in prayer and financially. I am so thankful for your life and I couldn’t do this by myself. I thank God and you my faithful supporters for allowing me the honor of being a part of so many marvelous kingdom advances. The mountains before me are large but God never failed me when I faced past giants that threatened to stop his Kingdom's advance. If I continue SEEKING FIRST His KINGDOM and His RIGHTEOUSNESS God will not fail me now! Please let me know if you want to be a part of this great adventure God has entrusted me with. God bless you and hope to hear from you soon.

Your fellow laborer in the Great Kingdom of our Lord and Savior,

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