Sunday, November 2, 2008

I will never give up on being a Disciple!!!

Raising financial support is a difficult hurdle. I have talked to pastors and churches mission committees and it is so funny to me because most of these people didn’t encourage me or they didn’t talk well about missions. It is funny because some denominations chose not to support me because I go to a different denomination than theirs. Some of them chose not to support me because they said their churches are not very involved in missions. But it is so funny to me because if Jesus would be on earth he would be ministering to the sick, oppressed, tired, street-kids, prostitutes, drug or alcohol addicts, widows, orphans but most of these churches were looking more inwardly and about growing a bigger church with better carpets and T´V sets on the Halls of the church.

I am 21 years old and I am sold out to the cause of Jesus Christ. I am ready and willing to love the unloved, care for the forgotten and I am decided to fight for those that can’t fight for themselves. I want to hate and detest the things that God does. That is the reason why I am going next month to Sudan and Uganda. I am so excited and can’t wait for that day to come. I know God is going to use my arms to embrace and comfort the broken hearts, he will use my mouth to speak prophetic words of hope and truth into people lives. I know people’ lives will never be the same after they see the power of the Holy Spirit through my life and I know they will find hope after they hear my testimony. God has healed, transformed and changed me from the inside out and I know God can do and will do that in people´s lives in Uganda and Sudan. It has been a long and hard process to raise money for this trip to Africa. I have learned a lot about where the priorities of the church is nowadays. But I am not going to wait for the church to wake up and be who God created them to be. I am going to do my part and that is be the church. I know what it is to be in pain, depression, dirty and full of sins in my life but I also know the special touch of God in my life. God has changed my life and I am willing to die to save other lives. How many Sidney’s Pereira are still on the streets without love, care and family? I know I am called to make a difference. Amen!!!

I am excited to let all of you know that I have bought my tickets to Africa. I want to thank all of you that have given sacrificially and I am praying for you and your family. I don’t take your gift lightly especially in this delicate moment we are living in economically. So now I just need to raise my spending money, ministry money, visa money, entrance fees in the countries, etc. I need to raise one thousand dollar and I am praying, fasting and sharing with people and churches and believing God for a miracle. Nothing is impossible with God!!! It looks impossible right now and sometimes it causes a lot of fear on me but I know my God is bigger than my trip to Africa or me raising money.

I know some of you guys are just waiting for the right time to partner with what God is doing in my life and I really believe now it is a critical moment because I am leaving to Africa next month on the 17th. So God bless you and hope to hear from you soon. Please get in contact with me if you have any questions or some exciting ways of helping me. I really need your help right now. Please keep reading my blog and I know you will be blessed. Until next time and hope that will be soon.

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