Monday, February 9, 2009

The Reality outside the Church!!!

I go to speak in a church here in Brazil or I just go to visit and the sad thing is that right after the service I am faced with the reality of Brazil. I am a missionary and my heart breaks when I just left from a big church that has so much resource, money, people and they are just concerned about themselves. I know and understand the impact the churches in Brazil can have in the slums, prisons, streets of Brazil but most of the churches in Brazil are just worried about numbers of people, money, fame, power. I look forward for that day when we as Christian Brazilians will wake up and shake this beautiful nation of Brazil. The world needs to see how Brazil is devoted, committed to the cause of Jesus.

But outside our churches and behind the popular images of Brazil, the tropical beaches, soccer and carnival lies another reality, that of desperate poverty. Kids are subject to police brutality, rape, violence, and being forced into prostitution just for food or to stay alive. Brazil's GDP ranks it as the eighth richest country. Less than one percent of the population owns more than fifty percent while more than fifty percent of the population owns less than one per-cent of the land. Brazil has the greatest disparity between the rich and poor of all countries.

Brazilian churches need to wake up and do something. We need to fight for those that can’t fight for themselves, we need to love those people that are unloved, we need to care for the forgotten ones, we need to embrace those that are desperate for love, we need to cry with those that are crying, we need to be agents of transformation, restitution, healing here in Brazil. Brazil is so ready for change. Are we ready to be the change? Lord, help me to fulfill your dreams(will, purpose) in my life.

1 comment:

Jennie Joy said...

Was this taken at the baptist church in minas? Where my friend Sandra goes? (did you meet Sandra Santos? she's a lady in her 50s who helps with the missions team there)