Monday, March 9, 2009

Is Our Generation ready for the Challenge?

I hear a lot about our generation` selfishness, pride, lack of commitment to God. Sometimes I wonder if our generation is going to make it? But when God allows me to speak at cell groups, youth services, churches around Brazil or around the world I find some young people that are willing to pray that dangerous prayer "God, Here I am, so use me."

When our generation decides to pray this dangerous prayer and when they decide to stand up, stand out and make the difference then something radical and noble it is going to happen in our world. It is hard today to find a devoted, fully committed young person completely in love with God in our generation and ready to impact our world. Nowadays, we need young people that are willing to give up their comfort(family, fame, power, fun)for the cause of Jesus and the expansion of the kingdom.

I went to a cell group last Friday and I met some awesome young people and I am so thankful to Jesus because when I meet young people like that it really encourages me because sometimes I feel I am a weird, strange, radical young person that is by himself. It is so encouraging to meet and find other crazy young for Jesus. God is good!!!

There is nothing better than living my life for Jesus and for this suffering and dying world. I want to love the unloved, care for the forgotten, embrace the orphans, care for widows, accept and minister to the despised people of our world. My calling and purpose is to serve and bring help to the poorest of poor. "God, Thank you for being with me".

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