Friday, March 13, 2009

You were not created to be Mister "Cool"

Have you ever noticed what "Christians" look like or like to perceive themselves? Of course it is not all of them but most Christians have tried to show to the world that they are perfect if not perfect close to perfect. Many people in the church think they gotta have everything together and be good or sometimes they even describe themselves as cool people. But something you never really hear is that they are messed up people and they have no clue of what`s going on in their lives or around them. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I know life is not going to be all good and fun like we want it to be. But we don`t hear that from Christians or churches anymore. We only hear that after we accept Jesus Christ, everything is going to be fixed (good,fun,easy). But I have some bad news for you or I am going to mess up your theology.

After you say yes to Jesus or better saying become a follower of Jesus Christ, disciple of the King. Your life will never be the same because it just can`t be. It is funny how Jesus or the Bible always teaches us the contrary of what the world values or says we should have. Remember? We serve an awesome God and he is very different than the God we hear in churches. We serve a God that loves the prostitutes, murderers, street kids, prison inmates, Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, Fidel Castro the same way he loves us. His heart is crying out and calling all the destitute, forgotten people to have a relationship with him.

For example if you think about Jesus ministry. He used to hang out or better saying talk to prostitutes, tax-collectors, murderers, fisher men, lepers, orphans, widows and most of the time Jesus used to slap spiritually the religious people and he used to call them liars, fake and a bunch of other ugly names. Oh, I almost forgot to tell Jesus never looked at this people and thought I am talking to a prostitute. Not even once. Never!!! but he always I guarantee you thought I am talking to my daughter, someone that I love and care about. Wow!!! It messes with your theology. Hum?

Jesus is tired of all those people in the churches trying to fit in and be cool. God is trying and calling out those people that want to jump from the windows instead of going through the doors. Almost every christian is coming in and going out through the doors, but God wants to raise up a generation that is radical and is not conformed with the normal anymore. God is tired of people that are tiptoeing through life but he wants people that are willing to run as fast as they can or jump in life for Jesus and the kingdom of God.

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